Saturday 24 September 2011

Positively glowing (but not in *that* way)

Today was my first ride out with Team Glow, the all-women group set up by the inspiring Glynis Francis to get 100 women to ride the Manchester 100 in 2011. Well, Glynis achieved her aim. The event was a great success. Many women, some of whom hadn't ridden a bike in years, turned out on the day and notched up an achievement they will never forget. Having joined the team at the 11th hour (on the Thursday before the event!) I hadn't met any of the women before, so was keen to get out on one of their rides and also to have my first group riding experience, as previously my road rides have been either solitary or just with one other person, so no chance for the group riding experience. 100km later (the organised ride somewhat augmented by my ride to/from the start), I'm sitting here enjoying the post ride glow.

We set off from Chorlton, South Manchester at just after 9am, headed out towards the Man United training ground (which I didn't know existed), onto Warrington, Lymm, Knutsford, and then back. At least I think that was the route. The ride was also my first time using Endomondo, and it seemed unable to get a satellite fix for some of the route, so who know really where I was at any one time. For a change, the ride (at least, the organised part of it) wasn't hilly, and the only really tough physical challenge was a long stretch of road that felt like it was on an ever-so-slight incline into a head wind. Oh, and it was just before the cafe stop. Boy, that road felt like it went on forever! Our cafe stop was a very lovely High Legh Garden Centre. As we still had some riding to do a big feed wasn't an option. A shame, because the green Thai curry really caught my eye. The scone was pretty darned good though, and just what I needed in order to get me back to Chorlton. For the ride home, Glynis very kindly took Ang and I in and cooked some toast, made a lovely cup of tea, sold me some Team Glow kit (canny), and then I was on my way back home again.

Despite being absolutely done in, I headed up Matley Lane instead of staying on the main road. Having such a monster hill so late in my ride nearly finished me off completely, but I made it, and the payback was getting to whizz all the way down the hill to my house (instead of having another climb up from the bottom!) After a shower and change, we whizzed off to the pancake shop (next to Kimberley's Bakery) in Glossop. Maple and bacon - mmmmm. Perfect.

A great day out with some big hills and very tingly legs now!

From Blogger Pictures

To do list of rides

5 Dales
Cut Gate 02/07/11
Lee Quarry
Long Mynd
Marin Trail (all of it)
Penmachno (all of it -- there's a pattern forming)
Gisburn 25/04/11