Friday 25 February 2011

A women-only sportive? What's not to like?

The internet is buzzing with the news that Victoria Pendleton, the heroine of British Cycling, has launched the Cycletta series of women-only rides. The write up on sent me racing to the website to see what all the fuss was about, since "Cycletta North" is only down the road from me, so it seems silly to miss it.

The idea is a good one, and I wholeheartedly support the sentiment behind the rides. I guess they're supposed to be like the Race for Life running series minus the charity element, which is no bad thing because it means you just pay your entry fee and turn up to ride, without having to spend weeks before nagging friends and family for sponsorship and weeks after feeling crap about only raising a tenner. Saying that, you can ride for charity if you want (it's optional, thankfully).

So here's what I think about the whole thing:

The good things: 40km of traffic free riding. Whoo-hoo!! And no blokes -- hopefully that means fewer club riders and more space when they overtake (which was a bit stressful in traffic on the Manchester 100k)
Oh, and Miranda is one of the ambassadors and Davina McCall isn't. Miranda was a real asset to the Comic Relief team, and I really enjoyed watching her; plus she's hilarious. Davina, on the other hand, is just a bit too loud and naggy for my liking. She has her own series of rides to promote anyway, as she's fronting the women-only Action for Medical Research series of rides -- Davina's Divas (ugggh to the name, yay to the idea though.)

The bad things: It's £45 to enter, yes you read that right, which seems a bit steep. Okay, so it will be traffic free, so on the day you'll probably feel like you're getting your money's worth. I could grumble about the fact that for your £45 there's only the one route length - 40k - ("only 40k") - and no mention of cake stops. Free Gatorade doesn't haven't the same effecct on my saliva glands as an offer of free tea and cake, sorry.

The wierd things: A free copy of Grazia? Well, I suppose they had to get sponsorship from somewhere, but Grazia!? I'll happily trade my free copy for a discount on the entry fee, and to be honest am not too fussed about Cycling Active magazine. I wonder whether they'll take £40? At least the hair clinic is an optional extra, It's easy too look on and make sarky remarks about that, but I'm sure I'll be tempted along on the day -- sometimes I get quite freaky helmet hair and, frankly, need all the help I can get.

And now a quick grumble..

Charity entry: I just had a quick look on Just Giving, and it doesn't appear to be in their events listing. Maybe I'm too quick off the mark. Either way, it would be good if they could add it, because I'd be happy to pay £45 for the event if I thought I could raise my usual tenner on top for the MS Society (my charity of choice owing to fact that I seem to know so many MS sufferers).

Sign up: Well, it would help boost the numbers if the sign up page actually worked, but again, maybe the site's a bit too new and somewhere in a room without natural light a web developer is burning the midnight oil to get it working.

Follow up: It's hard to tell from the write up whether there'll be anything like this at the event or not, but at the Sky Rides one of the great things was access to the various stalls with info about campaigns, rides, etc. so that people could channel their enthusiasm from the day into future events. Maybe we could have a SheCycles stall, or maybe there'll be some independent retailers there, like Minx or BeOutdoors -- both great online stores supplying quality clothes for women. I'm sure there are other great women-specific sites/groups that would benefit from being represented on the day. It would a shame for just the usual suspects (i.e., the Big Boys, like Evans and British Cycling, to have a spot and for there not to be any representation from smaller clubs and companies run by women for women.

Only three things to whinge about? Not bad then. Will I be going? Possibly not for £45. But hopefully some true novices out there will be tempted. In cycling terms 40k really isn't far, so it's within the range of most new riders, and the traffic free aspect does sound appealing. I did miss out on my VP signature at the Sky Ride ven in Manchester, so maybe I'll ride over to soak up the atmosphere? If I can swap my magazines for a massage, Gatorade for tea and cake, and do a second loop for free, I'm in :-)

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To do list of rides

5 Dales
Cut Gate 02/07/11
Lee Quarry
Long Mynd
Marin Trail (all of it)
Penmachno (all of it -- there's a pattern forming)
Gisburn 25/04/11